Weekly Schedule
- Sunday 11am Family Holy Communion @ All Saints
- Kingdom Kids 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month
- Monday 1.30pm-3pm Kingdom Tots @ St Aidan’s
- Tuesday 9am-11.30am Pantry @ St Aidan’s
- Wednesday 10am Holy Communion @ St Aidan’s
- Thursday 12 noon Cafe Church: Lunch & Bible Study @ St Aidan’s
Other Regular Events
- 1st Monday of the month 7pm Book Club @ Dunnies Social Club (1 Hale Rd, L24 5RB)
How to be (un)successful

Thursdays, 7.30pm @ St Aidan’s (starting 16 January 2025)
“Am I doing enough? Am I on the right track?”
“When will I feel satisfied?”
“Does what I’m doing really matter?”
No matter what we achieve or how much we gain, ‘success’ can always feel out of reach. In the midst of our anxious and exhausted culture, Jesus invites us to redefine success on his terms. In the Kingdom of God, success is not about what we have but who we are becoming…
This small group video series based on Pete Portal’s book, How to be (Un)Successful, will help you to explore true success, looking at the life and teachings of Jesus.
Interested? Just come along or contact the Revd Phil to find out more.